Univers Cosmique est une collection de mobilier qui explore différents procédés pour créer un espace de travail optimal et original. Basés sur 9 objets considérés comme "primaux", ces éléments sont utilisés pour façonner et diviser l'espace. Par leur interaction entre eux et avec l'espace, ils manipulent, divisent, rassemblent et conquièrent la zone dédiée au travail. Chacun de ces objets est un "générateur d'espace", de sorte que chacun peut être utilisé indépendamment des autres. Ce paysage de bureau est ponctué ou séquencé par ces 9 objets - communément énumérés par une table, une chaise, une lampe, une horloge, un mur de séparation, un tapis, un porte-manteau, et un haut-parleur.


Suite à notre rénovation des locaux commerciaux de la rue du Centre 14 à Vevey, nous avons prévu une exposition temporaire d'art contemporain avec différents artistes de la tête, de l'écal, et des veveysans indépendants.  Le concept de l'exposition est lié à une promenade indéfinie autour d'objets abstraits et évocateurs. Cette recherche s'articule autour de la potentialité des objets à créer des sous-espaces, à suggérer des mouvements et des parcours progressifs. Les objets ont cette capacité d'interagir avec l'espace et de le diviser en différents environnements. Le "vide", cette matière invisible dans laquelle nous évoluons, est activé à l'aide de la matière sonore d'une installation géométrique forte.


The human being is an explorer. Through this immersive installation, ARLAB offers new insight into the digital technologies that are becoming more and more integrated into our daily environment. Far from leaving our criteria to be charmed up by the inherent propaganda of such technologies, ARLAB raises a cautious message: All technological improvements must be considered with a critical eye. We should rather avoid a path in which new apps take every single one of our decisions: what to watch in the TV, which route to take with the car, which restaurant to pick up tonight. From the beginning, human beings have set out to discover the world, they have gotten on board to understand the universe. With the advent of digital technology, this trend is being reversed. The human being is transformed into a bored, useless and passive player who is studied by the machine, or by the company that produces it. The computer ex- plores us, analyzes us, and draws up avatars of each of us. We experience with the new technologies a transfer of awareness.


This research is an exploration of multiple concepts related to sounds. We believe that the perception of architecture is constructed through the diversity of sensory perceptions. Thus the synthesis between the art of space and time simultaneously informs us about the nature of a place and its use value, its destination.

We tried to understand this "sound character" and how it is intimately linked to geometric and material properties of space. We are convinced of the potential of sound as a material capable of helping in the design of architecture rich in meaning. Our goal: to broaden our field of investigation as an architect and artist and to lay the foundations, admittedly incomplete but necessary, for the idea of initiating a collective reflection on the sound matter. This fragmentary collection deals with nine subjects: sound matter, space, variability, emancipation, silence, ambient, sensoriality, sound intensity, wandering, etc. An account of the potentialities expresses the different concrete experiments.


This is a center of identity expression, conceived as The New Necessary Program for the Metropolis. Its potentiality is to give wandering minorities a place to exchange, share, and struggle to manifest and express themselves as an alternative to connected platforms and social networks. The platform acts as a social condenser, where people meet between minorities and militate together to assert their rights. These minorities are attracted to this colorful space to consume and cultivate their differences, feel safe to be themselves, and join and organize around shared values. We take the intensity of the metropolis and put it on a platform in the middle of the fields. This takes up the idea of big festivals, euphoric places, a parallel world that feeds off the metropolitan intensity.


Imagine a global concept that reflects an ideology, the origins of architecture. Representing the achievement of minimum space, we are at the center of modernists priorities. Despite, or precisely because of its humility, the small-scale architecture embodies micro-monumentality. It comes from Vitruvius, but its role in architectural theory takes its full meaning with Abbé Laugier's Essay on Architecture in 1753. Clear but subtle, basic but ingenious, modest but spacious: functional in all aspects. The Rabbit hutch contains only four sides, a roof, and a cut-out, enough to create a multipurpose space. Like a carceral architecture, there is no room for the futile. We are back to the myth of the primitive hut which only concern is to protect oneself against the elements and wild animals.

©ARLAB 2022